Office Bearer 2021-22
Mr. G.C.Jain
Designation: President
Mr. G.C.Jain is Managing Director of Samyak Synthetics Pvt Ltd. The company renowned as Star Export House having 9000 : 2008 certification & annual export turnover of 5 million Meters. He is Fellow Member of ICAI and ICSI. Mr. Jain is having more than 36 years rich experience in renowned Textile Units of India. He was lastly served as President of Sangam India Ltd, Bhilwara for a period of 20 Years. He is also JBN conveyer of JITO Bhilwara chapter and active Lions member and served up to Regional Chairman. He was Executive committee member of Mewar Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Mr. R.K. Jain
Hon'y Secretary General
Mr. R K Jain, Hon'y Secretary General of Mewar Chamber is a Commerce & Law Graduate and fellow Member of ICSI. He is practicing as a Corporate Advisor and with specialization in Goods and Service Tax and in Corporate Laws. He is having more than 27 year’s rich experience in industries and professional. Mr. Jain was also the Chairman of Bhilwara Chapter of ICSI from 2006 to 2015. He was also nominated Member of Core Committee of ICSI, New Delhi for the term 2011-14 representing Northern India. ICSI has adjudged “BEST CHAPTER” to Bhilwara Chapter of ICSI for the year 2006, 2007 and for the year 2012, 2013 and 2014 under his leadership. He was also Member of Rajasthan State-Regional Advisory Committee constituted by Chief Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax for consecutive three terms. He was also founder president of Giants Group of Bhilwara. He was also President of Giants International Federation-(Rajasthan State) for the year 2013 and 2014. In Giants International Convention, he has been awarded as Best Federation President of India. Mr. Jain is an active Member of Mewar Chamber of Commerce & Industry since last many years, he also served as a Joint Secretary of MCCI for the term 2014-16. He is actively associated with many other service & social organization, was honoured by District Administration on the occasion of Republic day for hi excellent social services. Presently, he is also Director of Acharya Shri Mahapragya Institute of Excellence.
Mr. J.K. Bagrodia
Immediate Past President
Mr. Jugal Kishore Bagrodia is a fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He was President of Mewar Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the year 2019-20He was Sr. Vice President of MCCI for the term 2017-19. After working with Birla Group as a senior executive, he started own business of fabrics manufacturing and yarn trading and agencies. He is the sr. Partner of Manglam Yarn Agencies, a leading Textile Trading organisation of Bhilwara. He is a devoted social worker, has been past President of Lion's Club Bhilwara & was Project Chairman of Lion's Eye Hospital Bhilwara. He is Executive President of Agarwal Samaj Sewa Pranyas, President of proposed Girls School of Agarwal Samaj Sampati Trust. He is actively involved with Ganesh Utsav Sewa Samittee and Cancer Care Foundation, Bhilwara.

Shri B.M.Sharma (RSWM)
Sr. Vice President
Mr. Brij Mohan Sharma is a graduate of renowned Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi and a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is also one of the recipients of “Most Influential CFOs of India” award. He has 36 years’ experience of working in India and abroad in various industries viz. Textiles, Hospitality, International Business, Leather, Aqua, Construction etc. He is Joint Managing Director of RSWM Limited. A firm believer in good corporate governance practices, he was also instrumental in RSWM winning Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Governance in 2018. Shri Sharma is an ardent nature lover & environment protectionist and freelances as Behaviour Scientist and Motivator.
Mr. Vinod Kumar
Sr. Vice President-I
Mr. Vinod Kumar is Director Agucha SBU of Hindustan Zinc Ltd. He is M. Tech – Open cast Mining (1997-1998) from ISM, Dhanbad. He is an accomplished senior mining leader with substantial experience in open pit and underground hard rock mining and having consistent track record of supporting growth of multicultural organization. Well recognized for managing and driving large mining operation and associated business strategy along with wholesome exposure to all key domains within mining function such as Safety Management, Exploration, Mine Planning & Design, Drilling & Blasting, Loading & Hauling, Over Burden Management, HEMM Performance Management, Mine Digitalization, Ore Beneficiation, Tailing Management etc. He is Driven, result orientation, cohesive leadership, open communication, keen learner, and high understanding of mining & metal business drivers. Have led various mining technical & management functions and performance improvements through the adoption of cutting-edge techniques and processes. During his 22 years of working, have acquired valuable experience and skills to provide overall leadership & direction to the business /functions owing to in-depth understanding & hands-on experience of operation management, operation planning, Geo-tech, project management, technical due diligence, short and long term mine planning, strategic planning, stakeholders management and overall business planning.

Dr. R C Lodha
Vice President-II
Dr. R.C. Lodha is presently Chairman of Institute of Cost Accountants of India RVO, Director of Vardhman Financial Services, Vice President of Pragya PG College Bijaynagar, and Insolvancy Professional of IBBI. Prior to he worked as CEO of JITO Administrative Foundation, New Delhi (A Pioneer organization for Civil Services Examination of UPSC) after superannuating as Executive Director from Central Bank of India. He also worked with Union Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce, IIFCL & CERSAI. Dr. Lodha possesses an illustrative academic and professional qualifications of MBA (Gold Medalist) along with Ph.D (Finance) and CAIIB. He was also Director of CentBank Home Finance Limited and President of Samajik Utthan Avam Prashikshan Sansthan (SUAPS). The path of his banking journey is enriched with varied experience of every segment including Corporate, Retail and Agri finance of banking. He has worked at different locations pan India. He was also a Project Head of BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) i.e. Nav Nirman & Utkrash at Union Bank of India in consultation with McKinsey & Company. During the year 2016, he participated in Annual Meetings of the IMF/World Bank Group at Washington DC, USA – To present “How Effectively PMJDY Programme Implemented in India”. He was a Member of IBA Committee on Technology, Digital & Financial Inclusion of Gyan Sangam 2016. He has been conferred bank’s Super Achiever Award for all round performance at Union Bank of India. Also became Chairman’s club member three times. Outside bank, he has been conferred C.H. Bhabha Research and Scholarship Award from IBA. In the social field also he has been adorned with Bhama Shah Award from Maharana Mewar Foundation Udaipur.
Mr. Anil Mishra
Vice President-III
Shri Anil Mishra is General Manager (Commercial) with JK Tyres and Industries Ltd. Kankroli, havinng more than 25 years of progressive experience spanning in varied fields of Indirect taxation, labour law, contract management, statutory compliances, and export-import among few others. He is engaged in overlooking the entire commercial activitie taxes, purchases, dispatches, administration legal compliances and liaisoning, with an expertise in Excise, services tax, customs, VAT, GST and labour laws (IR). He was actively involved with various agencies at the time of GST implementation. With a deep regard for CSR initiatives, he holds a special fondness for the growth of Sports, Culture and Education. His enthusiasm for different sports ranks back to his University days, where he represented and played for his Alma Mater in Football, Cricket and Volley Ball. This is visible through his efforts and active involvement in bringing up the participation of students at the Lakshmipat Singhania School, where he heads as the Manager, as well as measures to create a culture of holistic development for students by providing platforms to build their academic and creative personas. This sense of doing his part in the society, is evident by his association with numerous NGOs, sporting support for different causes involved in the upliftment of the marginalised and underprivileged groups.He is actively involved in the Industry Causes as well, being an executive member of various Chambers of Commerce and Industries His active contribution is visible as he heads different committees at a number of Chambers of Commerce and is also a member of RAC, for a decade now.

Mr. V.K.Mansingka
Hon'y Jt.Secretary
Mr. Vinod Kumar Mansingka is a Science Graduate from University of Rajasthan and is a member of the Managing Committee of Mewar Chamber of Commerce & Industry since last more than 46 years. He has vast knowledge of Vanaspati & Edible Oil Industry, served Rajasthan Vanaspati Products Ltd., Bhilwara for 20 years was President & Executive Director. He is an active social worker, was a Municipal Councillor & Chairman Building & Public Works Committee (1972-75), and is a member, National Executive Committee of Akhil Bhartiya Agarwal Sammelan. He is an active member of Lions Club, Bhilwara, has been Dy. District Governor, Zone Chairperson & District Chairperson, managing Lion's Eye-hospital and other activities. He is also Vice President of Badhir Bal Kalyan Samiti. He has been member of DRUCC & ZRUCC of Western/North Western Railways for more than 25 years, at present member ZRUCC of North Western Railway & actively associated with Social & Charitable organizations.
Mr.K.K. Modi
Hon'y Treasurer
Mr. Kamal Kishore Modi, is a fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is Business Strategic consultant of Modtex Texturisers Pvt Ltd. Mr. Modi is an active social worker, have been associated with Lions Club Bhilwara City and held the positions of President and Zone Chairman. He is a Past Vice Chairman of Bhilwara branch of ICAI. He was the Joint Secretary of the MCCI for the term 2017-18.